WEST SUFFOLK MOTOR CLUB LTD, (Trading as West Suffolk Motorsports Club) (“the Club”)

To further interest in motoring and motor sport.
To provide members (“Members”) with information, advice and assistance on matters connected
with motoring and motor sport.
To observe the local administration of the laws and regulations affecting motoring and motor
vehicles, and to report any proposed local action or scheme to Motorsport UK
To promote motor competitions in accordance with the Rules of Motorsport UK.
To arrange tours, lectures, and engage with members through social gatherings and other meetings.
To provide Members with such benefits and privileges as it may be possible to arrange on their
Any person regardless of their sex or gender identity of not less than (17) years of age shall be
eligible for membership.
The membership shall consist of Honorary Members, Ordinary Members, Family Members.
(Persons under the age of 17 years may be eligible for Junior Membership).
The authority and responsibility for the transaction of the business of the Club for its management
shall be vested in the Council of Management, who, in addition to the powers and authorities by
these rules expressly conferred on them, may exercise all powers and do all acts in furtherance of
the objects for which the Club is established and or is approved by the Club in a General Meeting.
The President and Vice President of the Club and the Treasurer, Secretary, Competition Secretary
and Council of Management (CofM) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting which is subject
to termination of office by resignation at the next Annual General Meeting following their
The CofM shall have the power to co-opt other Members as they deem necessary.
The retiring officers and other Members of CofM shall be eligible for re-election.
Council of Management (CofM)
The CofM shall consist of not less than Six and not more than twelve members, exclusive of
President, Vice-President.
Treasurer and Secretary, who shall be ex-officio Members CofM.The CofM shall elect from amongst its own Members a Chairman and a ViceChairman. Members of
CofM are entitled to vote and be personally present half shall form a quorum at any meeting.
Nominations of Candidates for election to the CofM must be received by the Secretary not less than
seven days before the Annual General Meeting, with an intention set out in writing and signed by
each Member nominated, that they are willing to serve. Nominations of Candidates shall be signed
by the Member proposing them. The CofM shall have the power to appoint a Sub-Committee of not
less than three persons to meet on its behalf in respect of any matter which is specially referred to
such a Sub-Committee.
The Secretary either of his own accord or by the direction of the Chairman shall, unless otherwise
agreed by all the CofM give at least seven (7) days written notice of a meeting.
Any Member of the CofM who shall, without any reasonable explanation, absent himself from three
consecutive CofM meetings, may be called upon to resign his position upon the CofM.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend in person or by deputy, all meetings of the Club and all
meetings of the CofM to take minutes of the proceedings. Such minutes shall be entered in a book
and presented at the following meeting and signed by the Chair, confirming they represent a true
and accurate reflection of the minutes recorded.
All monies of the Club shall be banked by the Treasurer in the name of the Club, and no
disbursements shall be made therefrom except in accordance with the form or forms authorised by
the CofM.
All applications must be made by an individual in his own correct name and be signed by the said
applicant personally. Applications by persons under the age of 18 years must be countersigned by a
parent or guardian.
Single/family Membership £15 per annum. Membership runs for 12 months from date of joining.
Subscriptions are due 12 months from joining date.
Any Member who fails to pay his subscription within one month of such notification shall, as a
further request by the Secretary or Treasurer in writing, to pay the same, and, if he fails to make
payment within fourteen days thereafter, they shall be considered ipso facto, null and void. No new
Member shall be entitled to any of the privileges of membership until after the payment of his first
subscription.13. NON-PAYMENT
Any Member of the Club who has not paid his subscription within two clear months of the date on
which it became due shall be notified of the fact in writing, by the membership Secretary or the
Treasurer. If, after one month thereafter, any Member who has still failed to pay his subscription
may, unless sufficient reason be shown to the satisfaction of the Committee, be taken off the
Register of Members with immediate effect. No Member whose subscription is in arrears shall be
eligible to take part in any competitions organised by the Club and under the rules of Motorsport
The name and address of the Club shall not be given by a Member as his address for trade,
advertising or business purposes, or in connection with any legal proceedings.
The CofM may elect as Honorary Members all Members of the Royal Family, and any persons
distinguished for their political, scientific, literary, industrial and administrative capacities, or who
have been distinguished in promoting the cause of motoring in general or of the Club in particular.
If, in the opinion of the CofM and in the best interests of the Club, it becomes necessary to ask a
member to withdraw from the Club, it shall set out in writing giving a clear explanation and reasons
for doing so. If the Member declines, they shall have the opportunity to appeal to the CofM and a
meeting of the CofM will be arranged within 6 weeks following the date of the expulsion letter.
Members of the CofM and the Member whose expulsion is under consideration, shall be given at
least 7 days’ notice of such a meeting and shall be offered the opportunity to provide an oral or
written explanation of their conduct. If two thirds of the Members present vote in favour of an
expulsion, they shall thereupon cease to be a Member of the Club and the decision will be final.
The Annual General Meeting of the club shall be held in the month of NOVEMBER in each year at a
date and time to be fixed by the CofM, giving 14 days prior notice of the Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting shall receive from the CofM a full statement of accounts duly audited
detailing the receipts and expenditure for the year ending. Receive from the Committee a report of
the activities of the Club during the said year elect the President and Vice President, and the
Secretary and Treasurer of the Club, and if appropriate, the Solicitor and Auditor.
Elect the Committee.
Settle any remunerations for the officers of the Club and the Solicitor and Auditor
Decide on any resolution which may be duly submitted and placed on the Agenda for the meeting
as hereinafter provided.
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by direction of the CofM, or on a requisition of
the Secretary stating the business for which the Extraordinary General Meeting is required andsigned by not less than 6 members. If the meeting so requisitioned is not convened within 21 days,
the said 6 members may convene such meeting. 9 Members shall form a quorum.
When Members wish a matter to be discussed at a General Meeting, the text of such matters signed
by at least two members shall be sent to the Secretary at least 14 days before the date of such
meetings, so that it may be included in the Agenda. A copy of the Agenda shall be sent to each
member at least five days prior to the meeting, but the fact that any member has not received a
copy of the Agenda shall not invalidate the proceedings. No business which is not included in the
Agenda shall be discussed at the meeting unless every Member present is in favour thereof. Should
the proposer of any motion fail to move a resolution in respect of the relevant item on the Agenda,
then any other Member shall be entitled to do so.
Every person with a right to be present may exercise one vote. The Chairman shall not vote except in
the exercise of a casting vote. At all General Meetings, except as provided in Rule 23, a majority of
votes decides a resolution. At any General Meeting any 12 members may demand a Poll, and
thereupon the meeting shall be adjourned to a time and place to be named by the Chairman, and a
postal vote shall be taken of all members of the club, the decision of the members, as shown by a
postal vote, shall be reported to the adjourned meeting, and shall be deemed to be the decision of
such meeting.
No-one can take part in General Meetings unless they are a Member of the Club and have paid their
subscription according to the rules.
Every Member binds himself to abide by the rules of the club, and also by any modifications thereof
made in conformity with such rules, and also to accept as final and binding the decision of the CofM
in all cases of dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation of these rules.
Any alterations may be made in these rules by a General Meeting provided
(a) that details of the proposed alteration or alterations are included in the notice of the General
Meeting and
(b) that the resolution proposing such alteration is carried out by two thirds of those present and
voting at such General Meeting or by two-thirds of those voting should a Poll be demanded as
provided for in Rule 20.
All motor competitions organised by the Club shall be held under the rules and requirements of
Motorsport UK. Any Member convicted of an offence arising out of his being in charge of a motor
vehicle in any Club event or on Club business shall be thereupon liable to expulsion from the Club
under Rule 16.25. COPIES OF RULES
Every Member shall be furnished with a copy of the Club rules and regulations on joining.
Currently under discussion by Council Of management.
WEST SUFFOLK MOTOR CLUB LTD (Trading as West Suffolk Motorsport Club)
WEST SUFFOLK MOTOR CLUB LTD respects your privacy and we will only use your information in the
way we describe in this notice. When using your information we aim to be fair and transparent, and
to follow our obligations under UK data protection laws. Your information is used for administering
club membership, activities and competitions.
WEST SUFFOLK MOTOR CLUB LTD is the data controller for the purpose of GDPR and the Data
Protection Act 2018. Our address is Gallowgate Farm Hawkedon Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP29 4LG.
Our club contact for privacy and data is Paul Ellis and the contact details are email
Collecting your information
We collect your information when you fill in membership application or renewal forms, and
competition event entry forms. You can give us your information using paper forms or online forms.
The information you give us may include your contact details (name, address, telephone number,
email address), personal information and identifiers (date of birth, membership number,
competition licence number), and other information (vehicle details). When you give us information
about another person, such as a child, parent, guardian, or emergency contact you should let that
person know that you have given us the information.
If you are under 18 years old, we will also ask for information from your parent or guardian.
Using your information
We use your information when you first apply to become a member of WEST SUFFOLK MOTOR CLUB
LTD and then to administer and renew your club membership and provide you with member
benefits. We also use your information when you enter club events. For competitions, we will
publish some of your information in the programme and the results, which will be in the public
domain. You information is used in these ways to fulfil our contract with you.
We may ask you for emergency contact and next of kin details which we will only use in an
emergency, and which is use for a legitimate interest. You should let the contact and next of kin
know that you have given this information to us. We might use your information to send you
marketing messages by email, but only if you have
agreed that we can do this by giving us your clear consent – and you can change your mind at any
time just by letting us know by contacting us. We will not sell your information to another
organisation.To support your lifetime relationship with motor sport and WEST SUFFOLK MOTOR CLUB LTD we
may keep your information indefinitely. Unless we are required to retain information by relevant
legislation, we will, at your request, delete your personal data from our system.
Our Website
We do not use cookies when you use our club website.
The club website might contain links to other websites such as online entry and payment sites,
partners, and advertisers. If you follow links to other websites, please review the privacy policy for
each site because we are not responsible for information you share on those sites.
Sharing your information
We may share your information with the Motor Sports Association as required by its General
Regulations for governing motor sport, with other Motorsport UK Registered Clubs, with medical
personnel, or any other person if we have to comply with a legal obligation. We may also share your
information with service providers, for example to print programmes.
Security for your information
Your information is held securely by us. We have taken all reasonable steps, and have in place
appropriate security measures, to protect your information. Your information is not transferred
outside the European Economic Area.
Your rights
• You may ask us not to process your information for marketing purposes.
• You are entitled to a copy of the information we hold about you, and to ask us to correct any
• You may ask us to stop using your information, and to delete it, although we may maintain a
skeleton set of your information. If you ask us to do this, we will not be able to continue our contract
with you.
• You may make a complaint to the Information Commissioner (www.ico.org.uk).
This privacy notice was last updated on 8th November 2021, and we will communicate any
changes to you.
Currently under discussion by Council Of Management.
Members must ensure they abide by the rules and regulations of the Club and Motorsport UK and:
(a) conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times, in the best interests of UK motor sport
(b) respect the decision of event officials
(c) treat all competitors, marshals and officials equally with respect
(d) maintain the highest standards of driving behaviour(e) not discriminate against individuals for any reason, whether as a result of race, colour, gender,
marital status, sexuality, age, disability, occupation, religion or political persuasion.
Failure to comply with this Code may result in stringent sanctions being imposed by Motorsport
UK and the National Court.
The Club may be dissolved by a Special General Meeting convened by direction of the CofM, or on
the requisition of the majority of the Members. If the resolution of dissolution be duly passed, the
CofM shall forthwith liquidate the affairs of the Club, and if there be any surplus assets on
realisation, these shall be disposed of at the discretion of the CofM
Amened and Updated 29/11/2021